Export and Import Using SAP HANA Studio

This document will help you to understand the various options available under Export and Import in HANA Studio. This is based on current design and may subject to change in future releases of HANA Studio.
Here it goes...
Why do we have Export and Import?
                When the user creates Information Models, Tables, Landscapes and if he wants to move them to different systems (new or existing), instead of recreating everything there in the target, he can simply export them and import it into a target system to reduce the effort of the user. This is similar to transport of objects in BW terms. And also this supports importing of Meta data from other systems as well.
Where to access this?
               Export and Import can be accessed from Quick Launch->Content or through the File menu or through the right click context menu option of tables
What are the options available in Export & Import?
Under SAP HANA Content:
Delivery Unit: A single Unit which can be mapped to multiple packages and can be exported as single entity. So that all the packages assigned to Delivery Unit can be treated as single unit. The user can use this option to export all the packages that make a delivery unit and the relevant objects contained in it to a HANA Server or to local Client location. This is kind of “Transport Request” in BW terms.
Developer Mode: This option can be used to export individual objects (Views) to a location in the local system. This can be used only in rare cases.
SAP Support Mode: This can be used to export the objects along with the data for SAP support purposes. This can be used when requested. For Eg, user creates a view which throws up error and he couldn’t able to resolve. In that case he can use this option to export the view along with data and share it with SAP for debugging purpose.
Under SAP HANA Studio:
Landscape: To export the landscape from one system to other (There is already a document talks about this in detail, hence I am not covering here).The link for the document is SAP HANA: importing and exporting Landscapes in HANA STUDIO
Tables: This option can be used to export tables along with its content
Under SAP HANA Content:
Delivery Unit: Exported Delivery Unit can be imported either from HANA Server or from local Client location
Developer Mode: To import the already exported views from the local Client location
Mass Import of Metadata: This option will be used to import the meta data (table definition) from SAP ERP source systems using SAP Load Controller in to HANA, if the user uses Sybase Replication Server for Data Provisioning
Selective Import of Meta Data: This is similar to above but in this case, SAP BO Data Services will be used for Data Provisioning
Under SAP HANA Studio:
Landscape: To import the exported landscape in the target system
Tables: To import the exported tables into target system
How to make use of these options?
Delivery Unit:
Delivery Unit should have been created by user prior to the usage of it. Creation of Delivery Unit can be done through Quick Launch->Setup->Delivery Units…
Once the Delivery Unit is created and the packages assigned to it,
Go to Quick Launch->Content->Export->Delivery Unit->Select the Delivery Unit. The user can see the list of packages assigned to it.
He can export the Delivery Unit either to HANA Server location or to local Client location by selecting through the radio button
The user can restrict the export through “Filter by time” which means Views which are modified within the specified time interval will be exported
Select the Delivery Unit and Export Location and then Click Next->Finish. This will export the selected Delivery Unit to the specified location
Developer Mode:
Go to Quick Launch->Content->Export->Developer Mode->Next
Select the Views to be exported, the user can select individual Views or group of Views and Packages and select the local Client location for export and Finish
SAP Support Mode:
Go to Quick Launch->Content->Export->SAP Support Mode->Next
Select the View that need to be debugged by SAP Support. This will export the View along with the table data it refers to. This will be directly exported to HANA Server “backup” location
Landscape: It’s already discussed in other Document as I mentioned earlier
This is already discussed @ http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-26312
Delivery Unit:
Go to Quick Launch->Content->Import->Delivery Unit->Next and select the Delivery Unit (from HANA Server or from Local Client)
Here, the user can select “Overwrite inactive versions” which means that if there are any inactive version of objects (from previous import) exist those will be overwritten. If the user  select “Activate objects”, then after the import, all the imported objects will be activated by default, the user no need to trigger the activation manually for the imported views.
Developer Mode:
Go to Quick Launch->Content->Import->Developer Mode->Next
Browse for the Local Client location where the views are exported and select the views to be imported, the user can select individual Views or group of Views and Packages and Click Finish
The user can select “Overwrite Existing Objects” to overwrite already imported objects, if any.
Mass Import of Metadata:
Go to Quick Launch->Content->Import->Mass Import of Metadata ->Next and select the target system
Configure the System for Mass Import and click Finish
Selective Import of Metadata:
Go to Quick Launch->Content->Import->Selective Import of Metadata ->Next and select the target system
Select the Source Connection of type “SAP Applications”. Remember that the DataStore should have been created already of type SAP Applications->Click Next
Now select the tables (User can also search for table here) and the target schema to import the Meta data and click Next
Validate if needed and click Finish
Import of Landscape and Tables are in a similar way. Hence not discussing about them here.
You "may" expect a provision to import the data directly from flat file(excel or csv), through this import option into HANA, in the future releases of HANA Studio.

Hope this document helps to understand the Import and Export feature of HANA Studio.

Please share your comments, if any. Thanks.


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